
Different kinds…

Different kinds of people: “Why People” and “How People.”
“Why People cannot be at peace until they answer the question of why suffering has befallen them. They look backward and ask, ‘Why me?’ How People, on the other hand, ask, ‘How can I move forward?’ Having been dealt their hand in life, their focus shifts to how they can find whatever healing and wholeness is possible.”

Elizabeth Bonker, a 13 year-old nonverbal autistic, and her mother, Virginia Green, have inspired me, broke my heart, left me joyful for medical and therapeutic breakthroughs, and caused me to read much longer than I intended to at any given moment.

The quote above is from their collaborative writing, I am in Here. It is followed by one of Elizabeth’s many poems, as she uses her poetry to speak to the world.

The Things I Know for Sure

There is a God.

I am loved.

The sun will shine.

I will survive autism.

I will continue to read to the very end and I am certain I will continue to cry, laugh, rejoice, and cry some more! I only wish I had this in my hands when my own son was going through his meltdowns so that I could have understood just a small amount of why he may have been a tormented little soul.

Autism & Poetry

April is Autism Awareness Month AND Poetry Month. With this said, I will be posting poetry from I Am In Here, a book about a nonverbal girl with autism who finds her voice through poetry. Through her written word, she lets us into her world. The book is written by Elizabeth Bonker and her mother, Virginia Breen.

Be very aware of these special individuals, living in a world too often disconnected, yet similar, to ours and show your support to find a cure.

I sometimes fear

That people cannot understand

That I hear.

And I know

That they don’t believe I go

To every extreme

To try to express

My need to talk.

If only they could walk

In my shoes

They would share my news:

I am in here.

And trying to speak every day

In some kind of way.


Jack of All Trades

The link below is for an article I just read and it can be applied to more than just the business area of my life. I struggle daily with trying to do it all myself and never delegating to others so that I can focus on fewer areas, those of which I am best at or need to fine-tune my skill.

Jack of All Trades

I do recognize, however, as I am an entrepreneur and small business owner that I have to be all for my business as I cannot even afford to pay myself yet, much less hire someone to do my marketing, to handle the bookkeeping, and so forth. This does cause me to step back and take a look at other areas in my life and see what I can delegate to others while my focus is on the business. Some days I can delegate home school-related tasks, some days I can delegate volunteer-related tasks, some days most days I can delegate household chores (my kids love me for this one, I’m sure).

So, what shall I delegate tomorrow while I am busy with business needs in the morning and community volunteer position in the afternoon? Let me think upon it…